Hi, my name is Stanly and I am a software engineer


my picture

"As a video gamer, basketball fan, and codeaholic since high school, I always found joy in learning new things and using that knowledge to create something unique or help others."

About me

After finishing high-school, I did one year IT training where I was introduced to web development (HTML, CSS and JS) and backend coding (PHP and MySQL).

While working in IT support and customer service I frequently had to debug PL/pgSQL code for the postgreSQL databases that I administrated. As a result I grew a passion for programming and decided to pursue a degree in computer science.

In 2018 I came to the United States, I wanted to be up-to-date in the development field and took the codebridge program from Per Scholas where I able to learn immerse myself in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Once completing the program, I was given the opportunity to advance my knowledge of the web development space attending General Assembly, where I taught a full stack curriculum and work in collaboration with career changers that not only helped grow as developer, but also as a person.

Since I was a teenager I have had a passion for Computer Science and I am excited to continue to develop my programming knowledge.

Technical Box


Transaction Tracker

transaction-tracker demo

Create transactions and keep track of your balance. You can also delete and update them and there are options for filtering. All is done instantly so reloading is not necessary.

Tech: Front end: ReactJS, Semantic UI, react-cookies. Back end: Django, PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, django-cors-headers


All Country Info

all-country-info demo

This app allows you to look for any country around the world, see the location in the map and quick information about it.

Tech: ReactJS, react-select, bootstrap, MapBox and REST Countries api



pokedex demo

Fully responsive app that allows you to search for information like images, stats, evolution chain, among others about any pokémon in the pokémon world. This app was created using SSR (server-side rendering) to improve UX and SEO. It uses the TTS browser API to read aloud the pokémon description.

Tech: React, server-side rendering, Reactstrap, TTS, PokéAPI, react-router-dom



click-n-shoot demo

The goal is to survive as much as you can killing enemies before your life reaches 0. Be careful! Your weapon can hold only 5 bullets. Do not forget to reload with R key.

Tech: HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap and vanilla javascript


Pepe Rosso Social

peperossosocial demo

Project built with the UX designers collaboration using the Agile software development approach where we took a commercial website and rebuilt it.

Tech: ReactJS, React-router, JavaScript, Zepplin, CSS3


AA Music Player

Music Player demo

Fully functional music player created with AWS Cloud9. Includes repeat and shuffle buttons.

Tech: Vanilla JavaScript, CSS
